As the summer begins to wind down and preparations for another program year and another school year begin, I want to invite you into the spiritual practice of Sabbath.  I’ve noticed that for some in our community coming out of the pandemic has meant life rushing ahead at full speed and it can feel hard to keep up. Although it’s wonderful to get to see more people in person again, for some of us all the contact can be overwhelming at times.  For others of us, especially those with unvaccinated children, the constant need to make decisions that feel like life or death is still very real.  Whatever the experience has been like for you, remembering to take some time for sabbath is an important part of our spiritual practice as followers of Jesus - at all times! Sabbath is our reminder that God’s grace is a gift for us - not dependent on our accomplishments or work ethic or ability to do it all - but simply because God loves us.     So, how might you make some space in your days for sabbath time?  Might you set a timer on your phone reminding you to pause and take a deep breath every hour?  Maybe you’ll dive into a novel that you’ve been looking forward to reading every night before bed.  Maybe you’ll turn off the radio as you drive in the car and enjoy the silence.  Maybe you’ll plan a night away somewhere else by yourself for some quiet time with God’s beautiful creation.  How can you use some sabbath time to intentionally tune out whatever noise is cluttering your heart and mind so that you can connect with God?     Many blessings go with you in your sabbath time this month.   -Pr. Maria