Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. The Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind. Exodus 14:21
By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as if it were dry land. Hebrews 11:2
Most of us heard of the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea as children in Sunday School.  As I remember hearing this account as a young child, it seemed like a good story, and I had had no doubt that God could do anything that he wanted to do. Now, when I think of it, I am amazed as are the scientists who have studied how this could possibly happen. The scientific aspects, as amazing as they are, do not amaze me as much as thinking of God's constant love for his people. The Israelites were a stubborn lot and could have irritated God to the point that he could have just forgotten them and left them to their own devices. Sometimes Biblical accounts of the Israelites turning from the way that God would have them to go are enough to make one wonder at the forgiveness and love of God for his people. Yet, we know that God loves and forgives all who turn to him. He never gives up on anyone.
Sometimes we have a person or people in our lives with whom we cannot agree, or maybe there is someone who seems to personify the term "thorn in one's side." Just imagine, there is a place in God's vast forgiveness and love for all, no matter what they may have done or said. If God could forgive and rescue the Israelites and promise eternal life for all who believe, we know that he expects us to copy his example in our dealings with others. We are taught by his example to forgive and accept others, even those with whom we feel we have little in common. One day we who are each a part of the Body of Christ will gather together to share heaven's glory for all eternity. We know that our differences will no longer exist. This is the promise for all believers. What a gift!
Dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Thank you for the dramatic parting of the Red Sea to save your people from slavery. This example lets us know of your amazing love for your children. Help us to remember that you sent your beloved son to save all of your children. Your example teaches us to grow in love and caring for all people. Help us to look upon all people with the knowledge that your arms are open to accept all. Amen. 
Florence Smallfield