Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear. Isaiah 65:24  

God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8  

There is a suggested pattern to prayer that has us start off with Thanksgiving, followed by Regrets, Intercessions, and Purpose (T.R.I.P).This is also used when studying portions of scripture. In fact, the book we use for devotions, “Daily Texts” incorporated this pattern with some weekly suggestions during 2021. We are to read a portion of scripture, then think about what makes us thankful to Jesus, what is something we hear that makes us regret, then ask for God’s help, and for the Spirit to lead us in purpose for that day.  

When I think about prayer it seems that often I don’t start with Thanksgiving. Maybe if I make time for prayer, sit down for a while and actually focus, then I can start with Thanksgiving. Much of the time though it seems that it occurs to many of us to pray when I need something, when I have lost something important, for those with illness, or things we see in the world. Then prayer starts with Help, I need, I want, please hear me Lord. Nothing wrong with a short prayer asking God’s help then we need to remember to thank Him for what He has already done, and for the help we receive.   

As we look at the two verses for today, they both tells us that God pays attention even before we ask. He answers before we even call, He hears us even while we are speaking. Wow! We might get an answer to a prayer even while we are still praying. Of course that means we must hear what God is telling us. Then in Romans Paul tells us how God proved His love for us – while people were still sinners, Christ died for us. Just think about this:  Christ died for us long before we were born.   

We certainly have every reason to start our prayers, our conversations with God, with praise and Thanksgiving.   

Attentive Father, you know and understand the deepest longings of our hearts even when we are not aware of what we may need. Thank you for listening to our requests and providing the answer that is the best for us. Christ Jesus, the light of your life shrinks the darkness of ours. We thank you for the blessing of your time with us, for listening and responding to our prayers. In Jesus name, Amen.  

Chris Gabel