Relieve the troubles of my heart, and bring me out of my distress. Psalm 25:17  

Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

In the New Living translation, the verse from Psalms reads: “My problems go from bad to worse. Oh, save me from them all!” I think we have probably all had days like that. One thing goes wrong, then another and another. David must have often felt like that; many of the psalms attributed to him are pleas for help from all his troubles. Looking up when he may have written this poem, one commentator says that it could have been at any time. It’s about his enemies, but David always had enemies and troubles.  

David still focuses on God as the one who can help him. Not necessarily make all the troubles go away, but certainly to relieve the worries. Jesus tells His disciples that life won’t be all wonderful even as they give up a lot to follow Him. He just states the simple fact that there are troubles and difficulties in this world.  

No one is immune from troubles, where we might differ is how we handle them. Recognizing that we will have trouble, Jesus tells the disciples that He has overcome the world. No matter what hardships we endure, Jesus is there. He lived among us as a person and knows what we experience. We really can take heart knowing that Jesus has overcome the world.  

Trouble comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes we are the cause of it. Forgive us, Lord. Sometimes we are the recipient. Help us to forgive others. Thank you for the confidence to know that all our difficulties are only for this earthly life. Lamb of God, we can face anything because your victory is our victory. Thank you that we have nothing to fear with you as our savior. May our hearts rest in you, in whose name we pray. Amen.    

Chris Gabel