Balaam said, ”Must I not take care to say what the Lord puts in my mouth?” Numbers 22:12

We cannot keep from speaking about what we have seen and heard. Acts 4:20  

We aren’t supposed to keep our mouths shut.

Peter and John were in trouble. Again. They had been teaching about Jesus and His healing, love and His resurrection of the dead. The big shots at the temple told them to stop and arrested them. Peter and John knew the drill. And they couldn’t stop talking about Jesus. They had been there when he had performed miracles. They had seen it with their own eyes. So keeping quiet was out of the question.

We aren’t supposed to keep our mouths shut.

Wait. That’s hard. To spread the Good News is hard. We can’t just go up to random people on Portland Ave. and start talking about Jesus and how His redemption will change their lives. People don’t like that. They get defensive and walk away. Or they start ranting. Not a good idea.

So, how do we not keep our mouths shut?

I can think of several……invite a friend over for coffee, and then invite them to go to church with you. Go to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, any social media and invite your friends to CTK. Or any place of worship of their choosing. Share a favorite Bible verse or story on Facebook, etc. I’m sure you have ideas also.

Peter and John didn’t have social media. They did the ‘random people’ thing. Much braver than me.

Lord, your grace is so amazing, I want to share with others. Forgive my reluctance and fear of rejection. Give me courage and wisdom, as I speak words of grace from a joy filled heart. Amen.

Peace, Susan Hanson