The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer. My God is my rock in whom I take refuge.2 Samuel 22:2-3  

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. Johh16:33 NIV  

“In this world you will have trouble.” That sounds like an understatement. Some days we feel like we only have trouble. Especially now with the COVID pandemic still with us.. There is horrible war in Ukraine as Russia attacks for no reason that makes sense to the rest of the world. We see bombings of shelters, hospitals, and those trying to evacuate. Myanmar has and  is committing genocide of the Rohingya people in their country. Many people have serious health troubles There are wildfires and tornadoes, drought and floods. Not much changes. We see David, in 2 Samuel 22, listing all his problems with enemies of the country and his fight with Saul. He certainly had lots of trouble.  

Yet David says that he has someone to deliver him, to give him refuge even as he hides in caves. There is hope, just as there is for us. We now have vaccines for COVID, and the case counts have been dropping. In Ukraine a 7-year-old girl, in a bomb shelter with her family, stood up and sang “Let it Go” from Frozen. Once they made it to Poland she sang in an arena in front of thousands; she sang the national anthem of Ukraine, beautifully. We see other countries condemning genocide, people helping those affected by natural disasters too. Medical advances occur every day. There is hope as God moves people to help with material goods, to use their skills to repair and heal, and to comfort.   

We definitely have a God who is our rock, who can and will be our deliverer and protect us. Jesus says that while, yes, we will have trouble in this world, He has overcome the world. We can take heart in these promises. If God is with us, who can be against us? We have a solid foundation in God as our Rock of Ages.   

Protector Lord, thank you for being the firm foundation upon which we can stand. You are our Rock – we fear no worldly trouble. May we be swift to help and comfort the troubled, just as you do for us. May our faith demonstrate to the world that you give us the strength to weather the storms of this life, that we are in your hands. Help us live a victorious life of service grounded in your strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen  

Chris Gabel