Our heart is glad in the Lord, because we trust in his holy name. Psalm 33:21.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing. I Thessalonians. 5:16-17.

In Biblical language as used by the Psalmist the word “heart” indicates much more than just the organ in our body. In the Bible, the center of the human spirit is the heart. Sometimes referred to as the wellspring of life, the heart is the source of emotions, thought, motivation, courage and action. When the psalmist says the heart is glad, he includes a person’s thoughts, emotions, motivation, even actions. Why is the writer’s heart glad? Because of the trust he and others have in God as they remember all that God has done for them.  All of Psalm 33 is a liturgy of praise to God starting with a call to praise ending with a response to praise.  

Paul tells us that we can and should always rejoice, just like the Psalms say. Not always easy to do as there are times we don’t feel very joyful.. Paul then says we should “pray without ceasing.” How are we to do that? Pray while doing other things like driving the car (prayer sometimes needed), eating lunch, working and talking with clients, playing games, watching tv?. We may have a habit of prayer first thing in the morning and last thing at night along with grace before meal perhaps repeating the same memorized words. That does leave a lot of time for other prayers, if we are to pray without ceasing. Prayers for help, or gratitude and thanks.  

There was a cartoon in the paper a couple days ago. The little boy couldn't sleep, and was counting sheep. Not working, he was still awake. His sister said to him, don’t count the sheep, speak with the shepherd. Last panel the little boy is sound asleep. That sounds so simple, all we need to do is speak with the shepherd. Prayer doesn’t have to be fancy, or long. It can be simple, a sentence or two. The important part is to keep on speaking and listening.  

Rejoice, believers, rejoice! Lord, we know and trust you as our  loving, generous God, who gave us his Son so that we may be saved from hopelessness. We are overflowing with gratitude for who you are and all you have done. Thank you for listening to our prayers. We know that you are with us always. May we rejoice in your holy name, for it gladdens our heats.  

Chris Gabel