My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning? Psalm 22:1
And the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. Mark 15:38
David knew that he was one of God's beloved, and yet David still had times when he felt far from the help that he so desperately needed from God. I found it amazing that even in David's greatest need, he still cried out to God. There was that seed of faith that had never left David's inner being even when he was desperate for deliverance from suffering and hostility. He was feeling no help when he turned to God. But David trusted that God was there, and he turned to God with pleas for help.
In times of war, of poverty, of loss of health, of death of a dear loved one, and in other trials of life, help can seem impossibly far away. Yet our faith, even in times of such doubt, opens the way for us to turn to God who removes the barriers caused by our despair.
We cannot always understand the trials that happen in life, but we know that God hears our every cry and is waiting for us to turn to him. When we do turn to God, his comfort lifts our hearts to know that he is understanding and will give guidance and comfort. The difficulties in life are real. The comfort that comes from God, our heavenly father, is real.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for tearing open any barrier that keeps us from always trusting in your unwavering love for each one of us. Open our hearts to always turn to you, as you are there to remove our doubts, and to grant the grace only you can give. Amen.
Florence Smallfield