“All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your faithful shall bless you.”  Psalm 145:10

“Ground that drinks up the rain falling on it repeatedly, and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God.”  Hebrews 6:7  

For several weeks my early morning drive to the gym was dark.  Last week as I left home I noticed the Eastern sky was deep blue with a hint of pink.  Our outdoor lights, controlled by a light sensor, now come on a half hour later than usual.  I enjoy seasonal changes, including winter.  However, I do feel a giddiness with the increasing daylight, knowing it’s only just begun.  I recall as a child the pleasure of browsing through seed catalogs which started arriving in February, which wouldn’t be long from now.  Bright red tomatoes, orange carrots, yellow corn – and of course showy flowers.  Morning comes, as will Spring, and Summer will follow.

But wait!  That’s the problem … we have to wait.  We have to wait for light and warmth as Earth rotates on her path around the Sun.  We have to wait for seeds to germinate and crops to grow.  We wait for rain, then wait for it to dry; wait for appointments, then wait for test results, and healing; wait to open up again, then wait for people to come.  When will we feel that morning, that Spring, that warmth?

My Confirmation verse is Psalm 27:14:  “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage … ”  We wait for God … then realize faithful God was always here.  God’s grace falls on us repeatedly.  We drink it up so the fruits of the Spirit will grow within us, not to keep inside, but to scatter – a crop useful to others so they too may know God’s blessings.  

Lord, we look forward to new light and new life, YOUR new light and life.  Forgive our impatience.  Help us live each step of our journey, seeing the goodness that surrounds us, aware of your many blessings.  Amen

Verla Olson