The Lord has sent me to comfort all who mourn. Isaiah 61:1-2

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4  

Pentecost, observed in the Christian tradition on the seventh Sunday after Easter, celebrates the time when Jesus' disciples and followers were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages and to understand all of these languages. It is difficult to relate to the magnitude of the gift of the Holy Spirit to each of us who believe in God, our creator and redeemer, especially when we do not usually experience what the disciples and other believers did on that first Pentecost.   

The Holy Spirit comes to us to bring us comfort in the most desperate of situations.  Perhaps it is an untimely death of someone close to you, serious illness, loneliness in its oppressive nature, betrayal of a friend or relative, etc. These are real, and they can test our faith. But, with the Holy Spirit in our hearts and lives, there is always that still small voice calling us to be consoled.  

Maybe that consolation begins with a call from a friend, a note of encouragement, a prayer that touches a heart. Maybe it is something as simple as hearing a bird chirp, watching the squirrels play, watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset, or finding something you thought was lost that will lift your spirit and bring you closer to God. Maybe just knowing that your prayer is heard even if you cannot utter the words that are in your suffering heart is what can calm your inner being and enable you to just know that the Holy Spirit is there to guide and console you.

These days are difficult for one and all. We cannot control the pandemic, nor can we solve all of the problems of our nation. What we can do is let the Holy Spirit dwell within us to calm our hurting hearts.  

Dear Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and to fulfill the promise of consolation. Give each of us the will to comfort others. Hold us in your continuing and boundless love. Amen.  

Florence Smallfield