“The mighty one, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting.”  Psalm 50:1

“The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!;  For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.”  Luke 17:20-21

“This is God’s Country!”  That’s big territory … the majesty of mountains, power of the sea, stillness of the forest, richness of prairie soil, our lakes and parks, my own little backyard where miracles happen as surely as “all of the above”, if I but notice.  All God’s country, territory …  kingdom.   

Majestic and praiseworthy as they are, the kingdom of God is not of such places, the Edens of this Earth.  The kingdom of God is not possessing and governing territory; controlling resources and subjects, a labor source or tax base; not travel photos.  Jesus said “the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed”.  (Matthew 13:31)  A small seed is planted, grows and branches out, and becomes a support for birds – for others.  The kingdom of God is “among” us, between us, a relationship.  If there is to be a relationship, the kingdom of God among us, we must learn about each other and try to understand each other.  If we live in avoidance of those we don’t know or who might make us uncomfortable, there is nothing among us but mistrust and fear, hardly the kingdom of God.   

As loyal subjects in this would be, could be, should be glorious kingdom, we owe much, everything to our King.   Earth is “God’s country” … God’s kingdom, not ours.  We tend the flock to nurture God’s kingdom among us.  And we must tend the pasture and nurture God’s Edens, to feed the rest of the flock.  We must learn to love and care for God’s kingdom, seen and unseen, around and among us.  

Holy God, our heavenly King, For the beauty of the Earth and awesome miracles of life – we glorify you!  For the goodness of the Earth to feed and sustain us – we thank you!  For the joy of companionship and love – we praise you!  Fill us with wisdom and compassion to take care of each other and your Earth entrusted to us for safekeeping.  “Thy kingdom [is] come.”  Amen  

Verla Olson