I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.. Psalm 119:6  

Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to complete his work.” John 4:34  

The psalmist who wrote Psalm 119 has his eyes fixed on God’s commandments, on the laws that pious people follow. The note in my NIV study Bible describes the author as an Israelite of exemplary piety who was very devoted to the word of God. It is a long Psalm, 176 verses, often described as a devotional on the Word of God. The writer is happy that he is able to keep focused on the commandments, all of them, and therefore will not be shamed by any of his enemies for failing to do this. Perhaps he also means that it is not shameful or embarrassing to be seen as a devout religious person. It is rather what he feels is necessary – follow all of the myriad commandments that God has set forth.  

Seems a little hard to be as focused on commandments as much as the Psalmist states that he is able to do. We can at least try to take some time each day to try and do this. After all as we practice this over and over, we can get closer to the goal.   

Then we read in John about Jesus, and food. This verse is part of the story of the woman at the well. We know Jesus eats actual food since His disciples have left him near the well and gone into the town to get food. When they return, besides seeing him talk to a woman which is not usual behavior, they offer Jesus food. They are surprised that He doesn’t seem to want the food, but instead states what his food actually is. Jesus emphasizes that He is there with them to do the will of God, to complete the work that has been set before Him.   

Many in our world are in need of food, and affordable housing, and good medical care. This true food form Jesus that lasts, is doing the will of God – for those of us that have, it can include feeding the hungry, supporting legislation that supports housing, providing good medical care. Jesus, hungry and tired, seems to forget all that when He has a chance to help the Samaritan woman, to talk with her and let her know about the power of God. Jesus’ work to be completed is the salvation of all that believe. We need to listen and share this Good News.   

We give thanks, Lord, for the food that fills and fulfills. We so often stray to that which does not satisfy. Fix our attention where fulfillment is found and shared. Almighty and sovereign Lord, teach us to love in truth, and to honor and respect all those around us. Through your word and the leading of the Holy Spirit empower and enable us to love as you love and do as you would do. In Jesus’ name, Amen  

Chris Gabel