The Lord said to Moses, "You cannot see my face; for no one shall see me and live." Exodus 33:20
God's love was revealed among us in this way; Ged sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9
There are always difficult times. Moses was leading the Israelites out of the horrors they had endured as Egyptian slaves. Our own trials may not be quite so dramatic as the ones faced by the Israelites under the Egyptian tyranny, but trials do impact our lives in many important ways. It may be a great personal loss, such as the serious illness or death of someone close, or the loss of home as in a fire or flood, or the loss of work that supported you and your family. Or difficult times may be more generalized, for example, for all to bear, such as rumors of a pending war, the pandemic, or a weather related disaster. 
God's grace is pervasive in all situations. We cannot see God just as Mose could not, but we feel his presence and know that he is our guide and strength no matter what assails us. This is comfort beyond measure. Moses was God's servant even though Moses felt that he himself was not good leadership material (Exodus 4:10-18). He communicated with God on a personal level even though Moses could not see God. God gave strength and forgiveness to Moses when it was warranted.  God always forgave the Israelites throughout their exodus from Egypt; his grace and presence were always there even though the Israelites were a stubborn bunch and had to be reprimanded and brought back to God over and over. The best part is that God never abandoned the Israelites just as he never abandons any one of us.
We live in the presence of God's grace every day, because God gave his only begotten Son to defeat death and bring eternal life to each of us. We know that we live through this wonderful gift. Valentine's Day was earlier this week. Hearts and flowers were the order of this happy day to celebrate love. Can we even imagine the happiness each of us can celebrate in our spirits and minds as we live in the knowledge of God's gift to each one of us? We live in God's grace. Halleluiah!
Dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
We are bless and happy to be alive in your grace, O God.Your graciousness only teaches us to be gracious to those around us. We may not see you, but we know your presence and live within the giving life that you have granted to each one of us who believe. Let us dwell within the life that you have granted through your precious gift. In your name we pray. Amen.
Florence Smallfield