“Light dawns for the righteous, and joy for the upright in heart.”  Psalm 97:11

“Then the kingdom of heaven will be like this:  Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom.  Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.”  Matthew 25:1-2

My husband and I have walked in at the end of a wedding just catching the blessing, a 2-hour drive from home and caught in construction traffic.  My husband was at a friend’s wedding when someone got up and left, announcing he was at the wrong wedding.  Pay attention.  Plan ahead.  Be prepared.

Life has preparations and deadlines … registrations, term papers and scholarship applications, license renewals, filing taxes.  Missing these, not preparing, has serious consequences.  Many find they did not plan ahead and “bring enough oil” going into retirement.

This time of year comes with preparations and time schedules.  Lists!  Decorating … check.  Shopping … check.  Baking … check.  Cards and letters … check.  Advent devotions … che……………….  Wasn’t on the must-do list.  We come to the gate of Christmas with oil but burn out before the star, the light, the Savior – the bridegroom – arrives.

In our everyday hurries we miss opportunities to “meet the bridegroom”, to be God’s light at the door.  Simply helping someone, showing kindness to a stranger; simply waving or saying hello – being friendly to a neighbor; taking time to see all around us and to feel God’s presence in our lives, being ready to invite God in.

Light of the world, Light of our lives … keep our lamps burning – to see all around us, and to be a welcome to others; and to be watching for you  in all parts of our lives.  Amen

Verla Olson