“As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.”  Isaiah 66:13

“Jesus said to Mary Magdalene, ‘Woman, why are you weeping?  Whom are you looking for?”  Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, ‘Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.”  Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’”  John 20:15, 16

Memorial Day weekend has come to symbolize the beginning of summer.  What began as a day to remember and honor those who died in war now means for many going to the lake, camping, picnics and barbeques.  During the Civil War, women decorated the graves of soldiers.  A few years after the war, the practice became official, known as Decoration Day.  Graves of Union and Confederate soldiers were decorated at Arlington Cemetery.  At first, it was not a unifying holiday.  The South honored their war dead on a different day than the North.  Sadly, it took another great war, WWI, to unite the nation at least to honor their dead on the same day.  

There are still services at many cemeteries; the names of soldiers are read and “Taps” are played.  Many of us use this weekend to remember all family members and friends who have loved us, and who have died.  We visit and decorate graves of loved ones in the morning, and we picnic or barbecue with loved ones in the afternoon.  Both are important.

The day of the Resurrection began as a “decoration day” of sorts.  Women went to Jesus’ tomb with oil to rub on the body of Jesus as they remembered and grieved.  Standing outside his own grave, Jesus came to Mary – “Don’t be afraid.”  It brings comfort to know that Jesus, our Lord, was human.  He ate with his friends.  He went to the grave of Lazarus to remember his friend and to grieve.  He felt compassion for Jairus, a stranger, and restored life to his daughter.  He understands our love of family and friends in our celebrations, and in our sorrows.

Loving Savior, we humbly acknowledge and give thanks for all who have sacrificed time, conveniences and personal comfort, even their lives for others, for us.  Help us give of ourselves in service to others.  Help us follow your example of compassion, mercy and grace.  Help us love.  Amen  

Verla Olson