I am with you, says the Lord, to save you. Jeremiah 30:11 

Because he himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.        Hebrews 2:18

Happy May Day! We are halfway between the start of spring and the start of summer. Some celebrate with Maypoles and dancing and leaving baskets of flowers by doors and running off. It’s a celebration of new life --  flowers finally blooming, planting seeds and anticipating crops growing. It is also sometimes called Labor Day – first called this in 1889 by trade unions and others -  who were protesting and campaigning for an 8-hour day. This followed the 1886 Haymarket square riots in Chicago when a bomb detonated during massive strikes by workers. Workers labored under very bad conditions; certainly a test of their ability to care for themselves and their families. At least over the years things have improved with 8-hour days, injuries covered through workers’ comp, even weekends for many.

There are many times in our lives when we are tested, or have troubles that may seem overwhelming. It might be loss of a job, not getting into the preferred college, arguments with family or friends that lead to loss of the relationship. How can a faraway God understand and help us? Because He is not far away – that is why Jesus came and lived among us. He came as our savior, but also He experienced life as we humans do. Jesus was tested during His life on earth and can understand what we humans are experiencing. Therefore, we have help from our God and Lord at all times, especially in ties of trouble.

Our God and Savior, you know our human frailties, our problems, our failings. In times of need help us set aside our pride and trust in your loving care. Be with us this day to guide us through each test and save us with your grace. Amen.

Chris Gabel