The Lord stands at the right hand of the needy, to save them from those who would condemn them. Psalm 109:31 

Listen, my beloved brothers and sisters. Has not God chosen the poor in the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom that he has promised to those who love him? James 2:5

The world we live in tends to honor those who have the most. After all, if someone has a lot of money or fame they must be better than those that don’t. That is certainly not how God see is. As the psalmist says, the world often condemns those who are poor or “needy,” yet God is right there with them, to save them.

God created all people and loves all people. It is interesting that so many of His people spend time categorizing their fellow humans into various groups – some good, some bad – based on their life circumstances. As we move from Palm Sunday to Easter, we see Jesus first coming into town on a donkey, something a poor person would ride, instead of a magnificent horse. We see Him clear the temple of money changers and those who would cheat the poor.

During His ministry, he spent much time with those who were not the rich and powerful, rather spending time with those who were ordinary and even outcasts from society. In the verse from James followers of Christ are admonished to not show favoritism. Not to give the rich person a good seat at the table, and let the poor person stand. One commenter on this verse from James asks: “why don't we treat each other that way when we get together? Why don't we treat poor Christians with the same respect, honor, and attention we give to the wealthy ones?” This is not what the world tells us to do, but it is what  should do. 

O loving Father of all, we thank you that your love is unconditional and never ending. When we survey the needs of the broken and hurting world in which we live, we can be overwhelmed by the task and humbled by our limitations. Empower and embolden us to speak up and act as you intend. . May we truly believe that, with you, all things are possible. Amen

Chris Gabel